This is part of the series the 31 Day Challenge To Optimize Your Blog With Social Media.
Guest post by Lewis Howes
LinkedIn is one of the most powerful ways to drive traffic to your blog. It is always in the top five referred sites that drive traffic to my blogs each month.
I’m amazed by the success stories of individuals picking up new clients, receiving a full-time job and selling more products because of the way they utilize the Q&A section on LinkedIn.
This post is focused on driving traffic to your blog, but if you harness these principles you will notice more than just traffic as a bonus for your business.
Ask interesting questions
The more compelling questions you ask, the better each response will be. If you’re trying to promote your blog, then you’ll want to ask questions about your niche or industry. If you’re an online marketer who specializes in email marketing, your question might be:
“What is your biggest challenge you face with email marketing, and what is your favorite email marketing provider?”
At the end of your question (where they provide room for additional comments), you could mention that the best answer will win a free 20-minute strategy session from you. Also offer to add their comments to your blog.
Hopefully you already have a reference page on your site with a rating system for the best email-marketing providers. Then you would have many posts regarding best practices on email marketing.
By asking a question, you are piquing others’ curiosity to click on your LinkedIn profile (or the link listed with your question). They would then recognize why you are an industry leader based on the content from your site.
Give your best stuff away for free
Answering questions is also a great way to promote your blog. Not only are you building yourself up as an expert in a certain niche, but you are also increasing views back to your LinkedIn profile. If set up properly, your profile will direct more people to your blog.
When you answer questions, don’t blatantly try to promote your site. Simply offer the best answer possible that helps that individual solve their issue.
Try to set yourself apart from the crowd of people answering questions that push their products and services.
Give the best answer without pushing yourself, and the right people will be naturally drawn to this; they will check out your blog and become your fan.
Be yourself
The Q&A section on LinkedIn is just one aspect you should be focusing on to drive traffic to your site. Joining and creating groups, customizing your websites on your profile, adding your blog to your profile, updating your status, along with other aspects within LinkedIn will ultimately make it a traffic driving machine.
Continue to optimize your profile, stay active, ask interesting questions, and offer great advice for those seeking answers.
How have you used LinkedIn?
awesoem suggestions for linked in! as usual its all about getting your readers involved in your content and asking adn telling htem what to do. i knew there was a reason i love survey modules on blogs and other pages… now i know why!
matty patterson.
I can’t wait to get my hands on this epic piece of kit. I can tell I’ll be getting insufficient rest until I beat the game!!