“Digital Activism” was one of several books Beth gave to her friends at iHub in Nairobi.
Guest post by Beth Kanter
During 2010, I been able to read, blurb, write reviews, do blog giveaways, or author guest posts and interviews for a lot of terrific books that would be useful to nonprofit professionals in the social media, marketing, and ICT areas. Many authors generously sent me review copies . I also have a small pile of books sitting on my desk that I wanted to blog about. So, to close out the year, I thought I’d share this list of books with you, especially if Santa gave you an Amazon gift card.
Technology at the Margins: How IT Meets The Needs of Emerging Markets by Salesh Chutani, Jessica Rothenberg AAlami, and Akhtar Badshah
1I read the manuscript over the summer so I could blurb this book. The book looks at how ICT can help solve global poverty issues in a range of fields, including disaster relief, health education, micro finance, and education. It is filled with great examples and stories from around the world. The book is well-researched and offers frameworks for thinking about how to link technology to a theory of change. More about the book here. The authors were kind enough to give me a copy to give away on this blog, so if you leave a comment you could be the lucky winner of a book!
Digital Activism Decoded: The New Mechanics of Change, Mary Joyce, Editor
2Digital activism is defined by the Meta-Activism Project as “the practice of using digital technology for political and social change.” Mary Joyce is one of the thought leaders in the field. She is the founder and executive director of the Meta-Activism Project. I first met Mary in 2005 through my connection with the Global Voices community and can say that Mary is among the most knowledgeable and experienced digital activists in the world. I’m honored to be working with her on a training project that I’ll share more about in 2011. The book is available on Amazon or as a free download.
Hands-On Social Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide to Designing Change for Good by Nedra Kline Weinreich
3Nedra Kline Weinreich is a social marketing whiz kid. I’ve been a fan her work since 2006. Her book is fantastic workbook that will lead you through six fail-proof steps to social marketing success. I love the checklists, her thoughts about the impact of social media and behavior change, and the DIY market research techniques. We were lucky enough to have Nedra stop by the Zoetica Salon and share some thoughts about how to measure social media outcomes. The book is available on Amazon.
The Wild Woman’s Guide to Fundraising by Mazarine Treyz
4I met Mazarine Treyz three years ago in Portland, Oregon, when I facilitated a one-day social media and nonprofit workshop for the Meyer Memorial Trust. She’s been a regular commenter on this blog. Her book is perfect for small nonprofits who are looking for practical and tactical tips and wisdom in developing a fundraising plan. You can get a copy here.
Zilch by Nancy Lublin
5Nancy’s book launched the same month as the Networked Nonprofit. I read it on long plane rides and ended up doing a book giveaway at one of my book talks! Non-profits are told to learn from business; in insightful and humorous book, Lublin, over at DoSomething.org, tells the for profit sector what it can learn from non-profits, particularly about how to thrive with virtually no money. The book made Philanthrocapitalism’s Books of the Year List (so did Networked Nonprofit). Pick up your copy of the book on Amazon.
ShareThis! by Deanna Zandt
6Deanna Zandt is a blogger who writes about social media, civil society, and activism. Her book, futuristic look at how social media will change the world, launched the same week as the Networked Nonprofit and we kept passing each other on the book talk circuit. Her book kept me company on a number of a long plane trips this year, and if you haven’t read yet it, go get a copy at Amazon.
Open Community by Lindy Dreyer and Maddie Grant
7I read the manuscript this summer and provided blurb. This small book is filled with big ideas and practical tips for managing an online community in the context of social networks. See my interview with the authors and buy your copy here.
The Dragonfly Effect by Jennifer Aaker and Andy Smith
8This one of the best ever book parties for an amazing book that gives you quick and effective ways to use social media for social good. You can pick up a copy here. (See JD Lasica’s review.)
The Participatory Museum by Nina Simon
9While Nina’s book is geared for the museum sector, there are lots of useful frameworks, tips, and stories that can teach all of using social media about how to effectively engage our stakeholders using social media and other channels. Check out this guest post that Nina wrote about the Science of Participation. You can read an online copy here.
The Nonprofit Marketing Guide by Kivi Leroux Miller
10Kivi’s book is filled with the practical and tactical marketing ideas for small nonprofits. Here’s a guest post she wrote about easy methods for implementing a digital content strategy.
And here’s one more to add to the list, Breakthrough Nonprofit Branding by Jocelyne Daw and Carol Cone. And you have until the end of the year to leave a comment and win a copy of this thoughtful book.
What were your favorite nonprofit books of the year? What books should be on the list?
- Here’s TechPresident’s List from Micah Sifry
- CoolPeopleCare: Stories That Need Telling
- Marion Conway’s Nonprofit Book List of 2010
This post originally appeared at bethkanter.org.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported.
Thanks so much for your work in how-to navigate to the edge of social media – these are must-have resources for social change makers!