Over the past few weeks I’ve received a number of questions about the ways administrators can update their Facebook Page. This topic also comes up a lot during the Facebook Foundations webinars I do with Charity How To.
So I thought it might be useful to outline the various ways users can update their Facebook Pages.
On Page as Page
1The most obvious way to post to your Facebook Page is as the Page. This requires simply being logged into Facebook and, assuming you’re an admin of the Page, posting to the Page. Admins can share videos, links or photos and make comments on that shared content in the status window.
On Page as Profile
2In some cases, particularly during events, you might want to post to your Page using your personal profile. If you are not an admin of the Page, this simply requires posting a status update as you would on any other Page or Profile. If you are an admin of the Page, you’ll need to be removed as an admin in order to post (make sure you have multiple admins on your Page so someone can add you back!).
On Profile as Page
3Now let’s say you want to post an update about your Page but share it with all your friends. The best way to do this is to tag the Page in a status update on your Profile. This will create a link to your Page within the update. Note: Updates only appear on Pages that you do not administrator. The assumption is that Page admins can post updates on their Page directly and don’t need the ability to tag through their profile.
On your profile to a subset of your friends
4You can also target an update to a specific subset of your friends by customizing the settings (as shown above).
On another Page as Page
5You can promote your Page on another Page simply by tagging that Page (assuming you’ve liked the Page) in a status update on your Page. However, this approach comes under the heading “proceed with caution” because your post can come across as spam. And by spam, I mean unwelcome by that Page’s community. The best way to proceed is to either 1) become trusted by that community or 2) selflessly praise that community (in the example above I’ve given props to the Social Media Examiner Page by tagging it on my Facebook Page).
Using social plug-ins
A note on tagging Pages or Profiles through social plug-ins: It seems that, for now, Facebook users can’t tag Pages or Profiles on websites using various social plug-ins unless they allow their friends list to be public. And if you’re like me, it will be a very long time before you decide to share your friend list with the world.
Does this all make sense to you? What did I miss?
Cross-posted from JohnHaydon.com.John Haydon delivers social web strategy solutions for “the quick, the smart, and the slightly manic.” Curious? Then visit the John Haydon blog, follow him on Twitter or leave a comment.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported.
If I understood correctly, in #3 you are saying that if I post something on my personal profile and tag a page that I administrator it will not show up on my page. This is not true. See http://www.facebook.com/cityofjerusalem I posted something in my profile and tagged a page I administer and it shows up on the page's wall as my post (not the page) with the tag symbol.
Did I misunderstand?
Charlie – You didn't misunderstand and thanks for pointing that out! On more than a few instances posts by Page admins weren't posted to the Page, so I assumed it was Facebook policy.
Kind of strange then. The only problem we have like this is that an admin can not tag his personal profile when posting directly on a page he administers – which we sometimes want to do. In such cases we just get another admin to do it. For instance if you wanted to post a status update on a page you are an admin for and tag John Haydon (linking to your personal profile), you would have to get another admin of the page to post the update and tag you (it displays as if it was posted by the page, not the personal profile of the admin in either case)
Have you checked the admin's privacy settings?
veldig interessant, takk