New Media Rights and the Drumbeat San Diego community invite you to Drumbeat San Diego, a 6-hour hands-on participatory event that is part of Mozilla’s worldwide Drumbeat initiative. Connect with the tech, arts, journalist and nonprofit communities to create positive change in the San Diego community and have a global impact.
What: Drumbeat San Diego
Where: Queen Bees Art & Cultural Center, 3925 Ohio St., San Diego
When: Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011, 12:30-6:30 pm
The event will offer a variety of spaces for the technology community to connect with community groups, artists, filmmakers, citizen journalists, musicians and others who are interested in building information tools and using the open Internet to improve the local San Diego community. Drumbeat San Diego is your chance to come together in a fun and exciting space to build projects that have an impact in the community and the broader world.
If you have an idea for a project or space at the event, please share it with the Drumbeat San Diego Google Group at the Drumbeat San Diego Google Group, email the team at or call (619) 591-8870.
Register for the event for free or see the full agenda.
Given that the basic concept of Drumbeat is participatory, the event will be shaped by its participants. Mozilla Drumbeat expects to have events in New York, Boston, San Diego, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Columbus, Chicago, Seattle, Vancouver and Montreal this year. They have already completed events in Germany and Brazil. “We are part of a global movement that is empowering communities to create new media projects to better the world we live in,” said Art Neill of New Media Rights.
Elements of Drumbeat San Diego
Drumbeat San Diego will include the following and more:
Human Spectrogram: Here’s a chance for you to share your views on the open Web, the present and future of the Internet and related topics. Meet other participants because participants will move physically to where they fit on a spectrum of answers.
Speedgeeking: Project facilitators will be speedgeeking the various spaces for the day, offering participants a quick, informal opportunity to get a taste of the wide variety of spaces available to them at the event.
The Open Data Project combines the efforts of the open data community and journalism community in San Diego. This project will allow you to see raw data sets transformed into a story that grips people’s attention and provides new insight about the community. More information.
The EAT Good Food project offers information about the new options of organic foods in local farmers markets. The EAT Good Food Project aims to create a website or phone app about the location of our local food organic food markets as well as the new organic food options available. More information.
Citizen 2.0 – Citizens’ Oversight Projects is trying to encourage open government by fostering active citizens to attend and monitor local government meetings. The wiki is a place for the public to discuss local issues, share information and take action on the actions of local governments. More information.
Open Source & Music Experimentation: Space will provide a space to learn how to use open source music software such as Audacity, Ardour, Pd and Hydrogen.
As I have repeatedly written in one form or other, blogging is not about writing posts. Heck, that’s the least of your challenges. No, blogging is about cultivating a mutually beneficial relationships with an ever-growing online readership, and that’s hard work.
Everyone there is invited to the (4th) World Children's Festival on the National Mall June 17-19 2011, a transformative and synaesthetic experience for the world's children, free and open to the publiic. We want to connect with and invite all journalists, pls help us connect SEE YOU AT THE FESTIVAL