Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, brands, social media managers, individuals
Up until now there has been no way for the leaders within your nonprofit to join discussions about your cause on Facebook, unless they were willing to compromise their privacy. But now with the Subscribe Button, Facebook users can opt in to their public updates without being a friend.
Multiply the No. of organizational touch points on Facebook
1The Facebook experience is essentially a personal one. If given the choice, your fans would rather connect with the people they already know and respect in your organization.
One way to give them what they want is to select a handful of these respected employees to be spokespeople for your cause on Facebook. Once you’ve selected these folks, you can add them as featured admins on your Facebook Page displayed in the left-hand sidebar (see below).
You could also create a custom tab called “Our People” with a two-sentence bio for each spokesperson and a link to their Profile.
Enhance relationships with your Facebook fans
2One way to think about the strategy mentioned in #2 is to remember that your brand is ultimately your people. They’re your brand at events, and on the telephone. So why wouldn’t they be your brand on Facebook?
By putting multiple spokespeople on the Facebook front lines, you’re giving your supporters more human ways to connect with your organization. Quantity and quality.
Segment communication channels
3It gets really interesting if you have leaders within specific focus areas. For example, UNICEF might promote spokespeople based on the countries they serve. This way, a donor who consistently supports the organization in Ghana can subscribe to updates from that UNICEF spokesperson.
Identify top supporters
4When a Facebook user subscribes to public updates from an executive director at a nonprofit, they have more than just a passing interest. They have more interest in your organization then your average Facebook fan. You can identify these folks by clicking on the “Subscribers” button on your spokesperson’s profile.
Enhance brand transparency
5It goes without saying that having a handful of Facebook spokespeople designated to connect with constituents says a lot about how open the organization is. Obviously you’ll want to create guidelines for these spokespeople so that it’s easier for them to know what to share and what not to share.
Enhance your organization’s search profile
6Public updates on a Facebook profile enhance your organization’s ability to appear in search results. Imagine the National Wildlife Federation petition to fight global warming showing up in Google more often because their key evangelists are posting public updates about why they care.
Increase your Facebook Page fan base
7When you feature Page owners on your Facebook Page sidebar, the Page is also displayed on each admin’s Profile. This creates more opportunities for Facebook users to be introduced to your Facebook Page.
How about you? What do you think of Facebook’s Subscribe button?John Haydon delivers social web strategy solutions for “the quick, the smart, and the slightly manic.” Curious? Then visit the John Haydon blog, follow him on Twitter or leave a comment.
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