Image by Sean MacEntee
Facebook scheduling, Twitter Lists, HootSuite & more
Guest post by Carrie Romanazzi Chwierut
Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, Facebook users.
Every day there are new online tools being touted as the newest, greatest thing sure to make your social media life easy. To help, I’ve summarized a few that make my social media life easier – and hopefully yours, too!
Facebook scheduling: Pick your time to shine
1If you use Facebook as your primary social media outlet, then you should take advantage of the scheduling feature Facebook recently introduced. It’s very simple to use. Enter your post, then click on the little clock icon. Select the day and time you’d like your text to post and hit schedule. So far, this is one of my favorite tools – I’ve used it quite a bit and have not run into any issues with it working properly.
Tip: The scheduling feature only works on pages, not personal profiles, and does not work with sharing someone else’s post. I hope this is something Facebook will implement in the near future.
Twitter lists: Focus on those who matter
2When you click to view a Twitter list, you’ll see a stream of tweets from only the users included in that group. The nice thing is that you don’t have to be following a Twitter user to add them to your list. This is a great way to cut through the hundreds of tweets in your stream and narrow it down to just those you really want to see.
Tip: To create a list, go to your Twitter home page and click the profile drop-down icon in the top navigation bar. To add someone to your list, go to their profile and click on the drop-down icon of the little person (next to the Follow/Following button).
Google Reader: Make the Web come to you
3Google Reader is a free service from Google that uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds. RSS feeds offer a simplified view of Web content down to just text, pictures and videos — minus the site’s style and formatting, which can sometimes hinder or befuddle casual reading. When you want to do a quick scan of your favorite sites, this is a real time saver.
Tip: Nearly every site has an RSS feed, and you can usually find it by scrolling around and hunting for the little RSS logo, a little orange box with three white waves.
HootSuite: Manage your accounts in one place
4I’ve long been a huge fan of HootSuite and other third-party schedulers, like Tweetdeck. The service lets you post to several different social media platforms from one site. The dashboard lets you monitor those same platforms in an easy-to-view format.
Tip: At the free level, you can add up to five social media platforms, which is enough for most people. Once you begin to use HootSuite as your team’s social media dashboard, expect to pay $5 to $15 per month per additional team member.
And there you have it. Did I miss any? Are there any tools you can’t live without? Please share in the comments!
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Ileane says
If you install the Buffer extension for Google chrome you can Tweet or share content directly from Google Reader.
Carrie Chwierut says
Great suggestion, Ileane…I’m going to do that!
Carrie Chwierut says
Great suggestion, Ileane…I’m going to do that!
Carrie Chwierut says
Thank you for the opportunity to guest blog!
Carrie Chwierut says
Thank you for the opportunity to guest blog!
Matt Luna says
feedly is a great addition to google reader. Pocket is also a great Chrome Extension and Android App
JD Lasica says
Thanks much, Matt! I’ve always thought of Feedly as a more visual alternative to Google Reader. Haven’t used Pocket for Chrome, will definitely check it out!
JD Lasica says
Oh, Pocket used to be Read It Later, which I’ve used for years. Installing now. :~)
JD Lasica says
Oh, Pocket used to be Read It Later, which I’ve used for years. Installing now. :~)
JD Lasica says
Oh, Pocket used to be Read It Later, which I’ve used for years. Installing now. :~)
JD Lasica says
Oh, Pocket used to be Read It Later, which I’ve used for years. Installing now. :~)
mrpbrain says
There’s another up-and-coming tool that lets you manage all your social accounts in a single dashboard that you should check out, called Pluggio (
Marissa Rogers says
I love NutshellMail!
chrisn90210 says
This is not spam – it really works!
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