A detail from the three-hour bootcamp taking place in Miami on April 4.
At Sustainatopia in Miami, take charge of new social technologies for your nonprofit, social enterprise or social cause
Today we’re announcing a new bootcamp for nonprofits and social entrepreneurs and other change-makers: Move the Needle! How to Mobilize Your Supporters to Take Action. We’re pretty excited about it — while I’ve put on a few social media bootcamps, and so has my Socialbrite colleague Sloane Berrent, this is our first combined effort.
Sloane and I hope you’ll pass along the word to your colleagues, especially those looking to use social media to activate their supporters. Here are the details:
Whether you want to grow your membership, raise funds or loans, recruit more followers, gather petition signatures, find volunteers for your cause or connect with your community, Move the Needle! How to Mobilize Your Supporters to Take Action will offer guidance that will help your organization create impact for years to come.
This special 3-hour workshop will dive deeply into strategy, tactics and tools available to social entrepreneurs and nonprofit change agents. Minutes later, Sustainatopia will rev up with the second annual Social Venture Capital/Social Enterprise Conference (SVC/SE – Miami).
Don’t be intimidated by social tools! Learn how to formulate a strategy, then put the right tools to use in this power-packed interactive workshop.
When & where
Monday, April 4, 9 am to noon
Miami Beach Convention Center
How much
$99 (email us for a 15% discount code for nonprofits)
Who should come
- Nonprofit managers and executives
- Representatives of foundations and NGOs
- Community managers
- Change agents and representatives of social cause organizations
- Social enterprise executives, managers & aspiring entrepreneurs
- VCs, investors and philanthropists
- Political reformers, journalists and educators
- Activists, advocates and those who want to make the world a better place
J.D. Lasica is a social media strategist, consultant and author who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on the social Web. He is founder of Socialbrite.org, a learning hub & global consultancy that works with nonprofits and social enterprises, and Socialmedia.biz, which works with major brands. A blogger since 2001, J.D. co-founded Ourmedia.org, the first free video hosting site, a month before YouTube.
He has spoken at or given workshops at Harvard’s Berkman Center, Stanford, MIT, NYU, SXSW, the Cannes Film Festival and at events in Paris, Milan and Seoul. J.D. was named one of the Top 40 Silicon Valley Influencers and one of CNET’s Top 100 Media Bloggers. Follow him on Twitter at @jdlasica.
Sloane Berrent is a digital strategist focused on campaigns in social innovation and corporate social responsibility. She runs Answer With Action, a digital communications and marketing strategy consultancy that creates campaigns and events with immediate impact for businesses, and she is a partner in Socialbrite.
A former Kiva Fellow, she is the co-creator of Cause It’s My Birthday, a nationwide malaria prevention campaign. In January 2010 Sloane attended the World Economic Forum (Davos) as the citizen journalist for MySpace and The Wall Street Journal and in February 2011 she traveled to Haiti. She is a nationally recognized speaker on community building and “cause-filled living” and writes on her blog, The Causemopolitan. Follow her on Twitter at @sloane.
This workshop will focus chiefly on practical, down-to-earth tactics and strategies that busy professionals can immediately take to engage supporters. The emphasis is on actionable takeaways. You’ll be introduced to several examples of social enterprises, nonprofits and organizations that are moving the needle — with real-world examples you can learn from.
We encourage interaction and questions during our sessions! If your social enterprise or nonprofits has “lessons learned” that you’d like to share, email us and we’ll call on you during the session.
Some of the questions we’ll cover:
- What strategies & tactics will motivate supporters and newcomers to take specific actions on behalf of my organization or cause?
- What are the essential elements of a successful advocacy campaign?
- How can I successfully use social tools to mobilize my organization’s members, spread awareness, enlist supporters, raise funds and drive action?
- How can storytelling and video advance the mission of my social enterprise?
- Which organizations are moving the needle, and what are they doing right?
- What are some of the cutting-edge tools and resources available for change agents looking to make a difference?
- What do you want to know? Email us in advance.
Format, food & drinks
Where possible, we’ll use a roundtable approach and a short small-group breakout session that encourages dialogue and interaction. We’ll also try to include an appearance by a local social entrepreneur who’ll provide an account of how their enterprise is moving the needle as well as a Q&A.
This is part of Socialbrite’s nationwide series of social media bootcamps. At Personal Democracy Forum, we presented to 50 social activists & nonprofits (at $199 per person — twice the price of Miami).
Hear what Jeff Pfaff, founder & CEO of mtbMobile, said about taking the bootcamp in this 60-second audio:
[audio:http://jdlasica.s3.amazonaws.com/Jeff-Pfaff.mp3]Bonus materials!
In addition to this 3-hour live training, during the bootcamp you’ll also be access to download these full-color handouts and guides at no additional cost:
- 12 Steps to Mobilize Your Cause — Summary of all the action items you need to conduct a successful campaign.
- Team Collaboration — Tools to help you work with other organizations or your own team members in multiple locations.
- 15 Best Practices for the Social Web — High-level principles to help you succeed in social media.
- 12 Social Action Hubs — Selectively plug into some of these online communities and crowdsource platforms to promote a social cause.
- 40 Hashtags for Social Good — Use these Twitter hashtags as you tweet for your cause to gain wider visibility and viral help from the community.
- 10 Mobile Apps for Social Good — Apps for your iPhone or Android.
- 6 Twitter Tips for Change-Makers — A series of tips to help your organization use Twitter more strategically.
JD Lasica, founder and former editor of Socialbrite, is co-founder of Cruiseable. Contact JD or follow him on Twitter or Google Plus.
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