Tips, tricks, and tools for using and managing your social networks wisely Is your organization considering setting up a profile on a social networking site? Are you wondering what tasks are involved, how much time it will take, and how you might streamline your efforts? Maybe your organization has established a presence on MySpace and […]
SMS fundraising campaign for breast cancer
Given the visible success of the Haiti text-to-give campaigns, SMS is bound to become one of the tools in an organization’s fundraising bag, if it isn’t already. This week I heard about Drew Olanoff’s latest fundraising campaign, a text-to-give strategy on behalf of Boarding for Breast Cancer. Here’s how it works: Every time someone texts “tp4bc” to 60611, the […]
5 questions for the head of eBay Giving Works
eBay shoppers donated $50 million to nonprofits in 2009 — a record Right before the holidays, eBay released 2009 figures for its Giving Works fundraising program — and marked a historic record for total funds raised for non-profits through According to the report, the eBay community gave $50 million to nonprofits, a 17% jump over […]
How to create your own iPhone app
I wanted to share a new service called AppMakr that allows anyone — even me — to easily create an iPhone app for less than $200. With just a few clicks, I created an iPhone version of my blog. The service offers a user-friendly interface to create a native iPhone application that you customize with […]
CauseWorld: Support causes on the go
Last month I made a prediction that we might see fundraisers with Foursquare or some other location-based mobile social network with gaming element. Looks like my observation of fundraising 2.0 trends of 2009 and my 2010 predictions are on track. TechCrunch just wrote about a new mobile application called CauseWorld. Here’s how it works: CauseWorld app […]