The 6th annual Craigslist Foundation’s Nonprofit Boot Camp takes place June 20 in Berkeley, CA. The day includes workshops, one-on-one coaching sessions, and keynotes by Arianna Huffington, Randi Zuckerberg and Craig Newmark. For years, I’ve been wanting to attend and this year, finally, I am! And, I’m leading a workshop on social media strategy. My […]
8 nonprofit executives who use Twitter
Fred Krupp is the CEO of the Environmental Defense Fund Recently, BusinessWeek published a slideshow of CEO’s who use Twitter, noting the dramatic rise of CEO’s who use Twitter to clue customers in on new services, help them with questions about their products, and generally get a little bit personal with customers, business associates, and […]
A compendium of useful Twitter tools
Click to see larger image Flickr Photo by @briansolis and @jess3 Last October, Brian Solis created the definitive list of Twitter Tools, a handy list of Twitter helper applications by key categories. Given Twitter’s explosive growth and crossing the chasm to more mainstream adoption, the palette of Twitter tools has most definitely expanded as Brian notes […]
How to get the most out of cause marketing
Scott Henderson (photo by Ms. Jen) I was supposed to lead a workshop at the Cause Marketing Forum on Social Media and Cause Marketing at the end of May. I was looking forward to it because Michael Hoffman at C3 was a sponsor and participating. Unfortunately, I had to cancel and asked Scott Henderson if […]
Twitter literacy: Getting value out of social media
The Twitter Book – A Sneak Preview View more presentations from oreillymedia. Howard Rheingold has an interesting post titled “Twitter Literacy (I refuse to Make Up a Twittery Name for It). Stephen Downes went ahead and said the word, Twitteracy. Rheingold points to some research data from Nielsen that more than 60 percent of new Twitter […]