The first step in starting to measure your impact is to identify the major outcomes that you want to examine. To be successful you’ll need full management support and a dedicated key project lead for your team. This person will take the helm on laying out tasks in a sequence, informing other staff of their roles and assignments, and providing assistance to people as they complete their parts of the evaluation.
How to use Google Insights for your nonprofit or business
You’ve started a blog for your nonprofit, NGO, social enterprise or green business and included examples of your organization’s sustainability initiatives. You’ve highlighted your efforts to reduce your carbon footprint and green your supply chain in your marketing collateral. You’ve created guides for your customers of how to be environmentally conscious with your product.
How to get started with live streaming technology
Image by krishnacreations for Big Stock Advice on the approaches to live streaming for your nonprofit and the most popular tools to use Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, businesses, brands, cause organizations, event planners, technology managers, individuals. Guest post by Christina Johns Director of New Media, International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Live streaming is an […]
Cause marketing campaigns making an impact
These nonprofits are teaming up with corporations to make a difference Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, businesses, brands, CSR professionals, marketing managers. Guest post by Daryn Sung-Lee, for Vivanista At Vivanista we believe that we all have a bit of philanthropist inside us. Beneath the protective masks we put on lays the […]
YouTube’s viral stars: The new nonprofit ambassadors
“It’s Time,” a nonprofit viral video from Australia, shows the power of YouTube for raising awareness. Project 4 Awesome on YouTube: 5 years of online community organizing Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, social enterprises, cause organizations, NGOs, brands, businesses, Web publishers, educators, journalists, general public. Guest post by Hunter Walk Director, Product Management, YouTube In 2007, […]