Elements of The Networked Nonprofit, image from Beth Kanter. Guest post by Manny Hernandez Diabetes Hands Foundation Beth Kanter’s new book, The Networked Nonprofit, co-written by Allison Fine, points out that social media tools integral to nonprofits fall into three general categories of use: Conversation starters Collaboration tools Network builders In this post, I’d like […]
Guide to shooting better online video
The Canon Vixia HV40. Tips on video equipment, interviewing people on camera & more Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, videographers, educators, foundations, businesses, individuals. This is part of Creating Media, our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and make media. Guest post by Diana Day Online Journalism […]
A developer’s 5 favorite social tools
Manage your project, create apps, share files & more Target audience: Social change organizations, nonprofits, developers, open source advocates, educators. This is part of Creating Media, our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and make media. Guest post by Nathan Freitas Here are five social tools I use […]
Social media for nonprofits: Where to start?
Growth of social media offers new connections to explore Guest post by Deanne Bullen
Klout: Measure your Twitter influence
Guest post by Sarah Worsham Sazbean Klout is a measurement tool that gives an idea of your social web influence with Twitter. Their data is used by applications such as Co-Tweet, HootSuite and others. Like Twitalyzer, Klout measures various aspects of Twitter usage and network, but focuses more on how influence and messages are spread […]