Are you a small nonprofit, or are you a marketer with a nonprofit client? Do you find it hard to hit the KPIs? We can’t blame you. Coming up with a proper marketing strategy for a nonprofit organization can be tricky because you’re not just selling a product, you’re also selling a cause.
Why organizations should tell more stories
By Jessica Scadron Social Harmony Storytelling is an ancient practice that’s been passed down the generations, from before the written word to our current digitally driven platforms. How can this ancient practice serve nonprofits whose survival depends on the actions of others, whether they be funders or volunteers? For one, it puts a face on […]
Want action? Tell positive visual stories
By Laura Mahler Gaia Visual Some methods of storytelling are more fruitful than others. And non-profits rely heavily on being able to tell their story really well. For instance, studies into online donor activity reveal that video is currently the hot ticket to accessing hearts and minds: with a 64% higher response rate to ‘Calls […]
5 ways to show progress toward your nonprofit’s mission
Photo by Daniel Funes Fuentes on Unsplash. By Nancy Ryerson Chances are, your nonprofit has a bold goal, whether it’s eradicating poverty or curing a disease. Your organization helps make progress toward that goal every day, but of course, complex problems have complicated solutions that can take a long time to achieve. Unfortunately, slow progress, even if it’s impactful, […]
The 2018 communications trends to watch
By Jessica Scadron Social Harmony As communications professionals, we need to be agile and forward-thinking to stay competitive. We’ve come to accept that the future is unpredictable—and that we need to prepare ourselves for the unexpected. With technological advances, fake news and virtual reality, we started to see accelerated change in 2017. We can expect […]