December is the hands-down most powerful month to fund-raise and to strengthen relationships for the year to come. So stop cranking it out right now with a strategy to achieve significant results in the last month of the year for your nonprofit.
5 ways nonprofits are using Pinterest effectively
Pinterest is one of the most popular ways for people to share pictures online. Businesses have been using Pinterest to great effect, and nonprofit organizations are also quickly coming on board. Here are five examples of nonprofits using Pinterest well.
Should your nonprofit focus on donor retention or acquisition?
Many of our metrics seem to weigh heavily on the side of acquiring new donors, new names for the list, new event attendees. But there’s often not enough appreciation, and therefore not enough time devoted to, building relationships with those who are already on our lists.
6 best practices in making data visualizations
Making data visualizations – A survival guide from vis4 Avoid 3D charts, extend bar charts to zero & other key tips Target audience: Data designers, metrics and analytics experts, nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, journalists, general public. Guest post by Beth Kanter Beth’s Blog Earlier this year at the Packard Foundation, […]
How nonprofits can reach youths with Vine & Instagram
Nonprofits traditionally have had trouble attracting today’s youths because many causes have a hard time reaching young people on their own terms. Tailoring your nonprofit’s marketing strategy to the interests of youths by using Vine and Instagram could mean the difference between getting them involved in your cause for years to come — or not at all.