One way to acquire Facebook fans for your nonprofit is to use Facebook ads to promote your Page. But not traditional Facebook ads – Sponsored “Like Story” ads. Facebook Sponsored “Like Story” ads are different from traditional Facebook ads in four ways: Like Story ads can be targeted to friends of current fans. This will […]
Tips for making your Web content personal
Create blog posts that speak to an individual, not an audience Regardless of how many people visit your website, there’s one person you need to be paying attention to: The person reading your blog post or Facebook update right now. I know what you’re thinking. “We get thousands of visits per day on our […]
6 ways to integrate your nonprofit email list with social media
Growing an email list and a Facebook fan base for your nonprofit can sometimes feel overwhelming. Sometimes you wish you had only one channel to grow and manage. To help make things easier, following are six ways you can integrate your nonprofit email list with social media. Include follow and fan links in your email […]
12 tips for writing more blog posts each week
Iwrite six to seven posts each week on four different websites, which might seem amazing. But I used to struggle to write just two posts every week (seven is still a struggle, which is a good thing). Here are a few things I do that have helped me be more efficient (but still authentic) with my blogging: Dragon Dictation […]
How Google Plus can help nonprofits connect with supporters
A 36-second video explaining Google+’s new video conferencing feature. If you’re reading this and work for a nonprofit, you may not want to hop onto the Google Plus bandwagon – especially if your peanut butter is already spread too thin. However, if have time and you’re the curious type, go for it! As Andy Huston […]