On Thursday Facebook launched a completely new version of Pages, to help you “manage communication, express yourself, and increase engagement.” There are three significant changes to Facebook Pages, in addition to several minor changes: Log in as Page or Profile – You can now toggle between being logged in as a Profile or logged in […]
Why you want to create a Facebook Page, not a Profile, for your nonprofit
I’ve been chatting with Will Coley lately about nonprofits that violate Facebook’s Terms of Service, sometimes knowingly, by using a Profile to market their cause rather than a Page. Using a Facebook Profile to market your nonprofit on Facebook is not smart, for at least three reasons: You have no way of knowing what people […]
10 ways nonprofits can get more out of Facebook
This week I conducted a free webinar for CharityHowTo with my good friend Kurt Steiner. More than 1,300 people registered and about 700 people showed up. Over 85 percent of the nonprofits that attended were already using Facebook, but more than 75 percent considered their knowledge level beginner or intermediate. Together we spent over an […]
Creating a Facebook Page? Nonprofits face new choices
Facebook now has a new way for nonprofits and businesses to select a category when creating a new Page. This is important because once you make a choice, you can’t go back. You’ll now see a visual guide showing you how your Page will be identified on Facebook. However, the new process also includes a […]
How to get automatic updates on your Facebook Page
Hyper Alerts, a new free online tool, simplifies managing a Facebook presence There’s no doubt that managing a Facebook Page has become much easier with tools like Hootsuite and Seesmic. But the one thing nonprofit Page administrators still need is an easy way to find out when someone posts, comments or likes content on […]