To help you get the most out of your Facebook Page, there are several applications you should check out. You may have heard of some of them, but there may be a few others you didn’t know about. I hope this list is helpful. Have your own favorite? Please add it in the comments below. […]
How to create a comments policy for your blog
If you’re launching a blog for your nonprofit or organization, one thing you’ll have to think about is how to deal with comments.
And if you’re like most nonprofits, you’ve probably already had a few discussions on this very topic.
Coming soon: Jumo, a social network for nonprofits
mashable on Broadcast Live Free Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes announced at the Social Good Summit that he is building a social networking site designed to build and nurture long-term relationships between people and nonprofit organizations. Think Yelp for social good. Jumo, the name of this platform, is due out around November and will include […]
How to target Facebook wall posts to specific fans
You’ve spent months building up your Facebook Page followers and engaging with them. But did you know about the little-known feature within your Facebook Page that gives you the ability to target wall updates to a specific group of connections? Here are some examples of why you may want to do this: You want to […]
4 reasons your exec director should be on Twitter
Executives at nonprofits should put community engagement via social media as a top priority in performing their jobs. They need to get their hands dirty. But more often than not, they don’t. Usually, staffers do the “dirty work” with social media while management gets a debrief on return on investment. This is like having a […]