On Tuesday I’ll be leading an online session for Philanthopy.com about building communities on Twitter (follow @Philanthropy for details). Communities do not just happen. And they certainly don’t happen overnight. You have to have something important to talk about. And you have to be prepared to consistently connect people together over a period of months. But […]
Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist
This is a remix of a post that Stoney deGeyter published on Search Engine Guide. It was written back in September 2008 so it has nothing about Twitter, but according to Guy Kawasaki, “it’s great nonetheless.” I have to agree. Of the 400 items, I found that most also apply to non-profit social media marketing. […]
Do you have a conversation strategy?
When most businesses and non-profits start using social media, they start with small talk with their communities. They politely reply to tweets, express appreciation to donors, respond as quickly as possible to customer support issues, and generally try to add value to their network.
Why Twitter Lists are huge for your nonprofit
Twitter Lists are guaranteed to be the next huge (and I mean huge!) game changer for Twitter. When Twitter lists first came out, I thought: “OK, so users can now make lists of other users based on any criteria.” For example, a list of companies that are hiring, a list of Onion editorial staff or […]
How to build a Facebook community
Here are 14 ‘levers’ you need to be pulling Like any social tool, Facebook needs to be worked in order to achieve specific marketing, event or fundraising goals. Yes, you need to have a an effective Facebook Page where fans can easily interact (see “11 Quick Tips to Enhance Your Facebook Fan Page” by @franswaa). […]