Trying to raise some money? Check out these eight tools to help you fundraise for a cause — whether an individual cause or for an organization or nonprofit.
11 free & inexpensive online photo editing tools
All organizations need quality images that inspire people to act, but high-quality photo editing software can be beyond a nonprofit’s budget. Read up on 11 web-based photo-editing tools that provide a range of photo editing options at little to no cost.
On-demand magazine publishing, simple & cheap
Yesterday we invited you to think about whether a print magazine might make sense for your nonprofit or social enterprise — and we use a broad definition of magazines here to include a print newsletter, whitepaper, special report, annual report, event keepsake or a catalog of fundraising merchandise and so on.
Now that you’re sold on the idea, or are at least considering it, how do you make it happen?
6 business reasons for nonprofits to publish a magazine
For all nonprofits, digital should be the top priority for communications and public outreach. But new technologies now give you more options for reaching existing and potential supporters. One of those options may surprise you: a print-on-demand magazine.
Facebook’s page for nonprofits offers helpful resources
Learn best practices from other nonprofits successfully using Facebook Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, social enterprises, social media managers, marketing professionals, businesses, brands, Web publishers, individuals. This is the second part of a two-part series on Facebook apps and resources available to nonprofits. Also see: • 5 essential Facebook applications for nonprofits By Lindsay Oberst […]