You spent five hours on that blog post to get it perfect, and you still haven’t published it. You can’t find that perfect image for Instagram, so you don’t post anything. And forget about video – you’ll never get that perfect so don’t even try. Done is better than Perfect Perfect slows everything down. Perfect […]
Using Virtual Reality for Social Change Work
By Caroline Avakian Virtual reality is a newer medium that has the potential to revolutionize the way many global development and human rights organizations communicate their work. It also presents an opportunity to virtually bring supporters, donors, and all others curious about the work being done on the ground, right to the communities and people […]
How to Build a Marketing Funnel Your Donors Will Love
Fundraising is quite a different game then it was even just a few years ago. Mobile and social media has donors constantly distracted (and bombarded) with messages from friends, brands, and competing causes. For nonprofit marketers this shift means embracing a donor-centric approach that moves from interruption to invitation. For example, Human Rights Campaign often […]
3 Core Twitter Strategies That Will Never Die
Twitter followers will be more likely to retweet your content if they like, know, and trust you. But where do you start? How do you develop a strong network on Twitter? One way to think about building a stronger network on Twitter is to focus on three core Twitter strategies: Search-Building, Raft-Building, and Klout-Building 1. Search-Building Twitter […]
Should Your Nonprofit Use Snapchat?
Snapchat is a mobile app that lets users share photos and videos that are deleted in 24 hours. Snapchat users share snaps (temporary videos and photos) privately with a few friends, or as stories with all their followers. What people love about Snapchat You might be wondering why someone would use a social network that deletes […]