By Danielle Daley My friends over at the Accountability Lab and the ONE campaign are hosting the Honesty Oscars. Every day in the week leading up to the Academy Awards, February 17th to 21st, ONE and Accountability Lab will unveil a category for the Honesty Oscars 2015, an award that honors not Hollywood films, but […]
A Simple Facebook Checklist for Better Page Posts
In a perfect world, all of your fans would see all of your posts in the news feed. But this is not a perfect world, and your Facebook posts are rarely seen by the people who’ve liked your Page. Yes, it might seem unfair, but when you get right down to it, Facebook users are the ones […]
Facebook Live Video for Nonprofits
By Caroline Avakian Facebook recently added the ability to livestream (live video) on Facebook, catching up to the explosive popularity of livestreaming apps like Periscope. While Facebook Live was recently only available for celebrities and then some early livestreaming adopters, it has now rolled out this feature to everyone with an iPhone in the US, […]
2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends [INFOGRAPHIC]
By Guest Are you curious how your nonprofit’s marketing stacks up against your peers? Which marketing channels are most important to your peers? Do you share the same challenges faced by your peers? All of these questions are answered in the Nonprofit Marketing Guides’ 2016 Nonprofit Communications Trends Report. Highlights include: Top goals for nonprofit communication […]
5 Nonprofit Predictions for 2016
Predictions are a tricky thing. They’re mostly comprised of strong currents of the present, past habits and a big dose of educated guessing. When it comes to nonprofits, there’s also an element of hopefulness that’s thrown in, at least in my list of predictions for 2016. 2015 has seen much innovation in technology and communication. […]