Help enterprising Colombia youths running an Internet cafe Today is my birthday, and in the tradition of other social media strategists working in the nonprofit space like Beth Kanter (I wrote about her last birthday campaign in January) and Geoff Livingston, I’d like to ask your help in making the day special for some enterprising […]
8 online petition tools: How to make a difference
Sizing up your options & strategies for being effective with your online petition drive Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, educators, foundations, businesses, individuals. This is part of Creating Media, our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and make media. By Julie Katz Socialbrite staff Political and […]
A change agent’s top 5 tools for social change
Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, NGOs, foundations, educators, individuals. Guest post by Allyson Kapin Partner, Rad Campaign The tools for taking action and effecting social change are getting more robust all the time. Here are five of my current favorites: Frogloop 1I think Care2’s Frogloop is one of the most trusted sources among nonprofit […]
Complete guide to creating a video project
Shared Practice Through Video: A downloadable guide Target audience: Nonprofits, social change organizations, videographers, educators, citizen publishers, journalists. This is part of Creating Media, our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and make media. Guest post by Tim Davies Open University (UK) Here’s a handy 28-page guide […]
A mobile platform for human rights
Handheld human rights from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Co-director of Digital Democracy spells out how new platform can skirt government censorship One of the organizations I’ve been admiring from afar over the past year is Digital Democracy, which works with local partners to put information into the hands of people who need it most – […]