Holly Ross, executive director, NTEN (Photo by JD Lasica) Superguide to events for nonprofits & social change organizations Following is a roundup of conferences and events scheduled in the nonprofit and social change sector in 2010, with a few educational events tossed in as well. If you know of other must-attend events, please add them […]
How individuals make a real difference
Our colleague Beth Kanter, author of Beth’s Blog, turns 53 years young today. The past year has been a momentous one for Beth, who pulled up roots and moved with her family from Boston to the Bay Area, rented a house, co-authored a book, became a visiting scholar at the Packard Foundation — I don’t […]
Information into action: Africa and beyond
Two organisations I’ve had the pleasure of working with – Tactical Tech and Fahamu – have independently announced the release of a film and a book that cover different aspects of non-profit digital activism. Both are well worth a look. Info-activism.org, a Tactical Tech initiative, explores how rights advocates “use information and digital technology to […]
MySpace abandons Causes — what does it mean?
On Thursday, administrators of Causes accounts on MySpace received a notice via email stating, “Thank you for the work you’ve done on Causes on MySpace. Due to the lack of activity on MySpace, we’ve decided to focus our efforts on the Causes Application on Facebook.” (See the full message here.) The message indicated that all Causes-related pages and […]
The story behind Invisible Children
The story behind Invisible Children from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Laren Poole came about his cause, Invisible Children, completely by accident. He and two friends were documenting the refugee situation in Sudan six years ago when they crossed the border into northern Uganda and came upon a completely different conflict they didn’t know about: kids […]