Amanda Rose at the London Twestival Photo by @mikebutcher The Twestival combined online twitter fundraising with a groundswell of offline self organized events in 202 cities around the world on February 12. This world-wide fundraiser, with a $1 million fundraising goal, brought together the Twitter community for an evening of fun and to raise money and […]
Activism and the social enterprise
One of the extraordinary things about the Bay Area is the relative ease with which you can bring a large number of bright, passionate, committed people under the same roof. When it’s a bar (and not just a barcamp but the real thing), so much the better. And so it was earlier this evening when […]
A guide to cause agents and change makers
Tom Watson, one of the people who have made a difference in this space, has written a new book, CauseWired, and here’s a review I published to In the past two years I’ve been more and more drawn to the world of social causes. (I’m the co-founder of and have participated in some […]
Social Actions: Toward a philanthropic Web
I spent this afternoon at a fascinating gathering in San Francisco: Lunch for Social Action Platforms. Hosted by Peter Deitz of Montreal (see my recent interview with him here) and hosted by TechSoup, 33 people got together on two days’ notice to discuss how to work together to make it easy for people to find […]
Amazee launches network for collective action
Dania Gerhardt, co-founder and COO of Amazee — whom I spotted at TechCrunch50 last week — passes along word of the collaboration site’s US launch: Amazee launches network for ‘collective action.’ Amazee, the first social collaboration network, today formally launched its free platform designed to make it easier for any individual or group anywhere to […]