SourceRise connects journalists and bloggers to sources at international NGOs and nonprofits in an effort to diversify the voices represented in the news and to increase the number of well researched, compelling development and foreign news stories in traditional media.
5 mobile apps for humanitarian aid workers
The Global Emergency Overview app. Target audience: NGOs, nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, social enterprises, aid workers, journalists. Last week, I wrote a post on 10 Nonprofit Productivity Apps to Try in 2014, and it prompted a great discussion with a colleague regarding which apps could actually help humanitarians working in the field. In recent years, we’ve […]
DIY and locally made: Makers sparking economic change
The Maker Movement, started in the past decade, encourages people to create, build, design, tinker, modify, hack, invent, or basically to make something. Combined with larger economic trends, this has resulted in new entrepreneurs, businesses, and products.
Tools for e-advocacy: Resources for cause campaigns
Advocacy organizations often encourage their grassroots supporters to influence politicians. Here we look at a number of ways eAdvocacy has taken over traditional routes to create the largest impact.
Attracting young people to your nonprofit’s recent index is giving us some insight into encouraging young people to get involved with volunteerism. Find out how your organization can effectively use a variety of social platforms to incentivize youth.