Aden Van Noppen of Brown University discusses a youth initiative and campus engagement strategy, supported by the Acumen Fund, to involve college students in social causes. The initiative is focused on how finance and business can be used as a tool for social impact in fighting poverty and advancing other social causes — and making […]
How does mobile giving work?
Mobile fundraising is taking off — or so at least hope nonprofits hard hit by the economic downturn. Organizations are looking for a new channel for people to give on the spot, wherever they are, with their phones and a quick text message. Mobile giving via SMS in the United States and many other parts […]
A guide to cause agents and change makers
Tom Watson, one of the people who have made a difference in this space, has written a new book, CauseWired, and here’s a review I published to In the past two years I’ve been more and more drawn to the world of social causes. (I’m the co-founder of and have participated in some […]
Social media tools for causes
Causecast: celeb-powered philanthropy
Support nonprofits with Causecast from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Here’s a 6-minute video interview I conducted with Ryan Scott, founder and CEO of Causecast, on the day of its launch, Sept. 10, 2008, just after Scott’s presentation at TechCrunch50. As the site’s About page says, Causecast empowers people who want to make change. It’s a […]