When I attended the Clinton Global Initiative last week, I told all of my friends (online and off) that it was a dream come true for me. On my life bucket list was the World Economic Forum and the Clinton Global Initiative. The idea that I got to attend both while I’m 30 is just […]
New media workshop for nonprofits & ethnic media publishers
My guest talk Friday at SF State’s LearningLAB I‘ll be one of the guest lecturers Friday at San Francisco State University at LearningLAB, the second annual multimedia journalism training conference for nonprofits and the community and ethnic news media. The event is billed as “four new media experts who will introduce you to some […]
Social media ROI: The metrics and strategies
WWT 2010: Social Media ROI View more presentations from womenwhotech. Guest post by Ryann Miller frogloop Last week I attended the Women Who Tech TeleSummit. One of the most anticipated sessions was the session with blogger Beth Kanter and Lauren Varga of Radian6 and moderated by Roz Lemieux of Fission Strategy. I’ve long admired and […]
WeAreVisible: A new social media literacy site
Ifirst met Mark Horvath on Twitter and later face-to-face last December during a trip down the California coast during the holidays. Mark is a free agent championing the cause of homelessness. A free agent is a person — many times a GenY, but not always — who is a passionate about a social cause but […]
Does your nonprofit have a Dilbert social media policy?
As part of my work as Visiting Scholar for Social Media and Nonprofits at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, I’ve had the pleasure to do a number of workshops in the area. Monday evening I had the pleasure of presenting a Networked Nonprofit mini-workshop for a group of about 50 local nonprofits and government […]