I‘ve produced two new printable handouts for the annual conference of the Online News Association this weekend: 6 Twitter tools for journalists (PDF, also at http://bit.ly/6twittertips) and 8 ways to use social media in the newsroom (PDF) — see the accompanying post. While the PDFs are spiffy-looking, they’re less than optimal for search engines and […]
8 ways to use social media in the newsroom
For the annual conference of the Online News Association this weekend, I’ve pulled together two new printable handouts: 8 ways to use social media in the newsroom, available at http://bit.ly/social-flyer, and 6 Twitter tools for journalists (PDF — and see the accompanying post). I’m speaking on the aptly named Social Media Mania panel on Saturday. […]
GoingGreen: Innovations in green tech
Photo by Salem Kimble By Salem Kimble East Bay Green Tours Earlier this month, amid the picturesque backdrop of the Cavallo Lodge in Sausalito, Calif., a flurry of venture capitalists and industry innovators came together at the GoingGreen Conference from AlwaysOn. There were all manner of industries represented, from cement that absorbs carbon (Novacem) to […]
Social media for social action
And a day of workshops devoted to blogging best practices I‘ll be among the trainers on hand on Oct. 23 for Social Media for Social Action, a day of training and workshops geared especially for Oakland nonprofits and community organizations. Interested in blogging, Twitter, Facebook & other social media tools for your organization, but not […]
Toward a Web of open video
Toward open video on the Web from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, before and after the Open Video conference at NYU, I sketched out the proposition that open video is a requirement for an open Web in two posts: The promise of open source video and Boxee and the promise of open […]