Photo by Mansikka Tips on how to facilitate conversation around a tag What is a #hashtag? A hashtag is the symbol: #. (See the definition in Socialbrite’s glossary.) It is also a Twitter term that describes a keyword, prefixed by that symbol, that helps people track conversations on Twitter. The hashtags site, a centralized directory […]
Crowdsourcing for social good
An ad hoc group of Bay Area folks who explore how new technology is driving social change, organized by Sundeep Ahuja, is holding its fifth event on Thursday. (I wrote about awareness2action’s first event almost exactly one year ago.) Here are the details: Event: Crowdsourcing for Social Good Hosts: SocialEarth, Hub Bay Area and Chronicle […]
Social Media Innovation Camps
Behind the scenes at Social Capital Markets
Guest post by Katrina Heppler Last October, 630 people interested in advancing the social good through social entrepreurship flocked to San Francisco for the first Social Capital Markets conference (@socap09 on Twitter). caught up with Kevin Jones, co-founder of the conference (and @kevindoylejones on Twitter) at The Hub in Berkeley, Calif., to get […]
United We Serve: Become an agent of change
Like millions of Americans, I’ve been looking for ways in which to get more involved in worthy community efforts. The traditional ways in which you can volunteer and gave back at the community — say, working in a soup kitchen or signing up for AmeriCorps — just expanded exponentially with the recent rollout of the […]