National Wildlife Federation from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Recently I had the chance to sit down with Danielle Brigida, social media outreach coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation, the enormously important nonprofit organization that inspires Americans to protect wildlife for our children’s future. They do that by combating global warming, protecting wildlife and wildlife habitats […]
Social Media Bootcamp at Seize the Moment
For the past few weeks, several of us (most notably Kara Andrade) have been working on pulling together what’s shaping up to be an extraordinary end-of-summer event at San Francisco State: Seize the Moment. I’ll be presenting a Social Media Bootcamp with David Cohn, founder of, to kick the morning off on Aug. 28. […]
Accuracy tip sheet for citizen journalists
Before you write 1. The best way to maintain accuracy is to develop a system and stick to it. 2. Take the extra seconds to read back to the interviewee the spelling of his or her name. If you need an age, ask for a birth date and year. 3. Avoid using secondary sources to […]
7 tips for communicating with people with disabilities
Glenda Watson Hyatt, who blogs at (“Your Accessibility Conscience”), gave an extraordinary presentation here at the SOBCon, Business School for Bloggers, talking about how to make websites and blogs more accessible to the disabled. It took her three months to perfect her presentation. I conducted a video interview with her that I’ll post here […]
How to capture great photos on the road
Photo copyright by Peter Guttman Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, NGOs, journalists, individuals. This is part of our ongoing Making Media series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and create media. What does capturing great photos on the road have to do with advancing the social good? When nonprofits and […]