Facebook’s Power Editor includes many advanced ad features that can seriously help your organization target, retarget and create content in a flash. Find out how you can use Power Editor and why it’s helpful.
7 ways nonprofits can benefit from Facebook hashtags
Facebook has adopted the use of hashtags. Find out how your organization can leverage the power of hashtags to reach a broader audience.
What’s good virality for my Facebook Page?
Wondering what good virality means? Find out what virality measures and why you should be using your own organization’s analytics to set your personal benchmark.
6 reasons to give people to sign up for your email list
Trying to build your email list? Read up on why you should first think like your audience and ask yourself, ‘What’s in it for me?’
Building a loyal Facebook fan base
Trying to build a loyal Facebook fan base for your nonprofit? Check out this chat from Jon Loomer and John Haydon as they discuss the key differences between nonprofits and for-profits when approaching Facebook marketing.