Facebook recently recommended four fundraising applications that keep fundraising inside of Facebook. What’s great about these applications is that they leverage the strength of Facebook by encouraging donors to share your fundraiser with others, see friends who have also donated, and make fundraising transactions more frictionless.
12 ways measuring can empower your nonprofit
Beth Kanter and Katie Paine discuss the importance and power of measuring your nonprofit’s networks in their new book, “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit.” John Haydon gives us 12 highlights, and Beth provides us a book to giveaway to one reader.
3 top tips for nonprofits’ online fundraising
A few small changes that get more from online efforts Guest Blog by Ritu Sharma Social Media for Nonprofits Of the $317 billion donated to nonprofits by individuals, currently about 15% is transacted online, but it’s growing at a whopping 35-55% a year. With Facebook now boasting over 1 billion active users and the “value” […]
A travel rewards program that benefits nonprofits
Fundraising is a fickle business. From little league teams selling discount cards to a well-known non-profit soliciting $1,000 donations, the world is teeming with organizations in need of additional outside funds. But what drives people to donate? And more importantly, what drives people to donate to your cause?
How to use social media to reel in big fish donors
Many nonprofits already use social media, including mobile, to raise money among individual donors. Small donations add up, as Mark Hanis found. His first Facebook campaign raised $250,000 in 2005 for Genocide Intervention Network, now known as Endgenocide.org.