When I lived in the Philippines last summer as a Kiva fellow, I got a quick crash course in the remittance market. It’s one of those things that people who live abroad may know about, but for many of my friends and family, they had not heard about it. So let’s start from scratch. In […]
Discovery Day 10.10.10: Innovation on a global scale
Excerpt from ‘Macrowikinomics’ on transformative social change This Sunday, 10/10/10, is Macrowikinomics Discovery Day, the first global networked event that brings together innovation and community groups from across sectors to celebrate openness, collaboration and the web. Don’t you love it? Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World — which just hit bookstores last week — […]
Witness: Putting a face on human rights
Witness: Documenting human rights from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Alot of people don’t think of video when they talk about social media, but it’s a critical part of the landscape. “Witness was founded on the idea of testimonies and powerful stories,” says blog editor Matisse Bustos Hawkes. “Formulating a story that can reach your intended […]
4 steps to take part in TEDxChange Flickr campaign
Putting a personal face to some of the world’s most pressing issues TEDxChange, an event co-hosted by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and TED, takes place Sept. 20. TEDxChange marks the anniversary of the Millennium Development Goals. Ten years in, the question remains: Where do we stand in the work to save and […]
Pakistan flood relief: How you can help
Dangling Feet, Kerala; Courtesy of Taylor Davidson on Flickr It’s shocking: The floods in Pakistan are affecting more than six times the number of people affected by the Haiti earthquake. I’ve been looking for ways to give back to help Pakistan. Where to give, where to donate, where to direct people. I came across a […]