Live streaming has been thrust into the limelight recently with the release of Periscope — a free mobile app that allows any user to live stream from wherever they are. The whole concept of Periscope is to virtually place you somewhere in the world you would never be if it weren’t for the app. Even as […]
How social media platforms are responding to the Nepal earthquake, and how you can help
By Caroline Avakian / Photo above courtesy of Facebook It was just a few hours after I found out about the devastating Nepal earthquake that I noticed an alert on my Facebook feed that I hadn’t seen before. My colleague who works in Nepal had been marked “Safe” in Facebook’s new “Safety Check” feature, that […]
Photos no longer get more reach on Facebook
You’ve no doubt heard the advice that posting photos will help you get more reach on Facebook. That advice has been tried and true for years, until now. According to a study by SocialBakers, photos now get less organic reach than videos, links, and even text updates. In fact, videos are now the king of […]
5 mobile apps for humanitarian aid workers
The Global Emergency Overview app. Target audience: NGOs, nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, social enterprises, aid workers, journalists. Last week, I wrote a post on 10 Nonprofit Productivity Apps to Try in 2014, and it prompted a great discussion with a colleague regarding which apps could actually help humanitarians working in the field. In recent years, we’ve […]
What does mobile mean for your organization?
What does “going mobile” mean for your organization? While we’ve all come to terms with the fact that we live in a mobile world, what does it really mean for small nonprofits and membership organizations? We run down some answers.