Beth Kanter and Katie Paine discuss the importance and power of measuring your nonprofit’s networks in their new book, “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit.” John Haydon gives us 12 highlights, and Beth provides us a book to giveaway to one reader.
3 top tips for nonprofits’ online fundraising
A few small changes that get more from online efforts Guest Blog by Ritu Sharma Social Media for Nonprofits Of the $317 billion donated to nonprofits by individuals, currently about 15% is transacted online, but it’s growing at a whopping 35-55% a year. With Facebook now boasting over 1 billion active users and the “value” […]
8 ways to get more from your nonprofit’s email marketing strategy
Like social media, email marketing is where you nurture constituent relationships. But e-mail is different from social media in several critical areas, which we’ll outline here.
Highlights of Social Media for Nonprofits SF
It’s hard to come up with a highlight tape from Thursday’s Social Media 4 Nonprofits conference in San Francisco, given the breadth of talent on stage and in the packed room. The most notable news was the announcement that Darian Rodriguez Heyman, the former executive director of the Craigslist Foundation, and Ritu Sharma will be reviving the recently defunct Craigslist Foundation Boot Camp, with a renewed focus on the nonprofit community.
5 smartphone apps that support great causes
Support your favorite nonprofits through your mobile device Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, educators, journalists, general public. Guest post by Whitney Adams There are lots of organizations and charities that help people, animals and the environment. These charities rely heavily on other people for in-kind donations, monetary donations or for volunteer work. […]