Fundraising is a fickle business. From little league teams selling discount cards to a well-known non-profit soliciting $1,000 donations, the world is teeming with organizations in need of additional outside funds. But what drives people to donate? And more importantly, what drives people to donate to your cause?
6 simple steps to create a Facebook page that just works
We know that Facebook is crushing it, and that nonprofits and schools have an incredible opportunity to use the platform to deepen relationships with supporters, families, students and alumni. But is your nonprofit or school getting the most out of the platform? Are you using Facebook to its full potential?
How to use social media to reel in big fish donors
Many nonprofits already use social media, including mobile, to raise money among individual donors. Small donations add up, as Mark Hanis found. His first Facebook campaign raised $250,000 in 2005 for Genocide Intervention Network, now known as
Welcome to the new-look Socialbrite
For the past several months we’ve been working behind the scenes on several design changes for Socialbrite that we’ve just unveiled. We’ve been successful since our founding in May 2009 with becoming perhaps the Web’s leading knowledge hub about how to use social media for social causes and to advance nonprofits’ missions.
5 ways to make your website content more remarkable
When it comes to marketing on the Internet, your website is your primary marketing machine. It’s the headwaters people go to when they want to swim upstream and find out what you’re really about. It’s also the place where you convert email subscribers, donors and volunteers. Following are five things you can start doing today to amp up your material and make your website content more remarkable.