When nonprofits roll out a social media program, their tendency is to launch a presence on Facebook or Twitter and then treat them simply as new communication or marketing channels. No, no, a thousand times no! Of the 1.5 million charities in this country, perhaps 99 out of 100 go about using social media the […]
Oxfam America invites public into fight against poverty
Interactive photobook offers way to support contributions by women Guest post by Stacy Coleman Vivanista Oxfam America ran a photo contest for the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day in March. They created an interactive photo wall that enables supporters to upload photos and messages in support of women’s contributions. We caught up with […]
LikeMinded: A new platform to connect leaders with ideas for local change
Guest post by Arthur Coddington Craigslist Foundation Over the past year, Craigslist Foundation has been working on LikeMinded, a new online tool for local change makers that launched Wednesday. The idea is that people are doing great work in their local communities, but stories about their work frequently stay local or go untold. LikeMinded will collect stories […]
GoodSearch & GoodShop: A step forward for online philanthropy
Guest post by Aviva Schick GoodSearch.com Cancer patients. The rainforest. Homeless pets. Underfunded schools. Refugees. This is a part of a list J.J. Ramberg was thinking about when she and her brother came up with the idea for their socially responsible company GoodSearch.com. As she continued thinking, her list became more personal. Her mother had passed […]
Ideavibes: A new way to do crowdsourcing & crowdfunding campaigns
Engage4change contest asks SF residents for ideas to improve housing & transportation Editor’s note: A start-up called Ideavibes has created a crowd-engagement platform that can be purchased by nonprofits, government agencies or businesses to do their own crowd engagement or crowd funding. It’s one of the more interesting companies we spotted at Web 2.0 […]