The Story of Stuff from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Filmmaker Annie Leonard offers advice on becoming a network-centric organization At the TechSoup Global Contributors Summit in San Jose on March 15, Annie Leonard, an independent filmmaker in Berkeley, Calif., gave one of the standout talks, discussing how The Story of Stuff — the film […]
Public interest
How we’ll fund innovation & sustainability
Snapshot of sustainabilitiy in the 50 largest U.S. cities (photo by whiterice). Guest post by Joe Brewer Cognitive Policy Works It’s time to solve a fundamental problem that plagues progressives everywhere – the lack of seed money to get innovative projects off the ground and the absence of workable funding models to scale up the […]
Better book buying: 10 socially conscious online bookstores
Where to find nonprofit, independent & progressive booksellers Most of us in the philanthropic and social good communities face the recurring question: Where should I buy my books — online or in the local community? And: How much more am I willing to pay to buy from an indie publisher or a green publishing house? […]
Connect with San Diego’s tech, arts, journalism & nonprofit communities
New Media Rights and the Drumbeat San Diego community invite you to Drumbeat San Diego, a 6-hour hands-on participatory event that is part of Mozilla’s worldwide Drumbeat initiative. Connect with the tech, arts, journalist and nonprofit communities to create positive change in the San Diego community and have a global impact. What: Drumbeat San Diego […]
Celebrate the Martin Luther King holiday over dinner
For MLK Day 2011, sign up and then eat, talk, change Guest post by Jessica Kirkwood Points of Light Institute The 25th anniversary of the celebration of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday is only a few days away. Over the years, honoring Dr. King’s legacy through volunteer service is an idea that’s taken […]