Nonprofits + technology = NTEN from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Holly Ross, executive director of the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN), talks about the organization’s mission in helping nonprofits learning how to effectively use technology and social media. She talks about three new reports that should be of interest to nonprofits — including the just-released 2009 […]
Nonprofit resources
Twitter literacy: Getting value out of social media
The Twitter Book – A Sneak Preview View more presentations from oreillymedia. Howard Rheingold has an interesting post titled “Twitter Literacy (I refuse to Make Up a Twittery Name for It). Stephen Downes went ahead and said the word, Twitteracy. Rheingold points to some research data from Nielsen that more than 60 percent of new Twitter […]
How uses social media
How KidsAreHeroes Uses Twitter from John Haydon on Vimeo. I had the incredible opportunity to speak with Gabe O’Neill of Kids Are Heroes a couple of weeks ago and was completely blown away by two things: His unwavering sense of mission. He uses only Twitter for social media actions. Kids Are Heroes recently won the […]
6 tips on how to shoot digital photos like a pro
Photo by JD Lasica Improve the quality of the images you shoot for your organization Target audience: Cause organizations, nonprofits, NGOs, journalists, general public. This is part of our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and create media. With millions of amateur shutterbugs sporting digital cameras that […]
What is off-limits to a documentary filmmaker?
Fair use and ‘free use’: As a documentary filmmaker, when must I turn off my camera? Guest post by Peter Jaszi Professor of Law, Washington College of Law, American University The answers to some of filmmakers’ most common clearance questions don’t really lie in the realm of “fair use” at all, but fall under the […]