A step-by-step guide to using Audacity to get a polished audio Target audience: nonprofits, NGOs, educators, citizen journalists, individuals who require media skills Guest post by Adam Hyde and Adam Willets Tactical Technology Collective This is one in a series of training articles that convey new media skills to organizations. It’s simple to record […]
Making media
6 tips for shooting effective Web video
Target audience: Cause organizations, nonprofits, educators, NGOs, journalists, general public. This is part of our ongoing series designed to help nonprofits and other organizations learn how to use and create media. Here’s a 4-minute video with Jessica Kizorek of Two Parrot Productions, a video production company that works with nonprofits and the foundations that support […]
Self-publishing: Tell your story in print
Lulu, Author Solutions, CreateSpace, Blurb make publishing your book a breeze Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, educators, small businesses, journalists, photographers By Kim Bale Socialbrite staff Updated Sept. 20, 2010, with new stats and services With more people turning to ebooks or digital readers like the Kindle or iPad rather than turning the pages of […]
Justgood.tv: Covering social good events
Justgood.tv: Covering social good events from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Nonprofits can take advantage of live-streaming events — on the cheap At Net Tuesday, I sat down with Arabella Santiago, founder and CEO of JustgoodTV, a network of curated stories about mission-driven organizations, social entrepreneurs and responsible businesses that have impact. The service provides nonprofits, […]
BlogTalkRadio: Extend the reach of your nonprofit
Guest post by Meighan Berberich BlogTalkRadio One of the biggest challenges as a nonprofit is how to cost-effectively build awareness for your cause and extend the reach of the messages that matter most to your organization. An innovative and easy-to-use social-media solution to help meet this challenge is BlogTalkRadio. BlogTalkRadio can help you share […]