Why Wikipedia supports open video from JD Lasica on Vimeo. From time to time, Socialbrite explores the use of open source tools by change-makers and social benefit organizations — see below for our past coverage of open video and how open standards can benefit nonprofit tech. The second annual Open Video conference returns to New […]
Open source
Toward a Web of open video
Toward open video on the Web from JD Lasica on Vimeo. A few weeks ago, before and after the Open Video conference at NYU, I sketched out the proposition that open video is a requirement for an open Web in two posts: The promise of open source video and Boxee and the promise of open […]
Matt Mullenweg on the state of WordPress
Matt Mullenweg on the state of WordPress from JD Lasica on Vimeo. At WordCamp San Francisco a few weeks ago, I managed to get a few minutes alone with Matt Mullwenweg, co-founder, chief coder and “Head of Bug Creation” for WordPress. (I self-host Socialbrite and Socialmedia.biz with code from WordPress.org; others use WordPress.com to host […]
Symbian: Going open source has made huge difference
Symbian goes open source from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Probably few people have noticed that Symbian, the operating system that powers nearly half the world’s smartphones (compared with the iPhone’s 1.1% overall market share), is opening up its platform and going open source. “Being open source has made an incredible difference in how we interact […]
How open standards can benefit nonprofit tech
Guest post by Peter Deitz SocialActions I don’t know about you, but I am a big fan of open standards, particularly when my bladder Direct Messages me with the hashtag #urgent. Open standards (see picture below) guide me to a place where I can @reply in a hurry. In the nonprofit technology community, open standards […]