I‘ve seen my share of fundraising campaigns over the years, but one of the most impressive has to be the campaign put on by Brianna Haag and her team of volunteers for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
sharing center
Facebook engagement: What does the evidence show?
The great thing about Facebook is that what works and what doesn’t work can be measured very specifically. And there’s probably nobody more experienced in the science of social media than Dan Zarrella.
Dan recently published an infographic based on more than 1.3 million Facebook updates from the top 10,000 pages.
4 successful strategies for engaging interviews
Video is a powerful tool in the nonprofit world, as it gives donors, staff and volunteers an opportunity to see and feel first hand the impact of their support. In our latest video, Deborah’s Place, our focus in on one woman’s journey out of homelessness, yet we subtly interweave information about Deborah’s Place’s programs and services throughout the film.
3 key tools for managing social media
When it comes to staying on top of social media, one of the big challenges we have is to find the social media tools that will help us achieve a happy medium between curating, listening, engaging and producing content.
5 tools to help you master Pinterest
A look at Repinly, PinMe, Pinpuff, PinReach & Pinerly Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, educators, Pinterest users. Guest post by Beth Kanter bethkanter.org Back in January, I wrote a post about Pinterest as a curation tool to organize and share visual content I’ve collected in a visually pleasing visual way. As the platform has evolved […]