Target audience: Facebook Page administrators, nonprofits, foundations, NGOs, cause organizations, Web publishers, educators, journalists, general public. What is a good onlilne tool to automate posting to Facebook? There are a few solutions out there, like HootSuite or Seesmic, but the best one I’ve come across is PostPlanner. PostPlanner is a Facebook Page content management tool […]
sharing center
6 iPhone accessories to jazz up your mobile photos
A fish-eye lens attachment for the iPhone. How to build an iPhone-ready DIY photo/video studio for under $200 Target audience: Photographers (amateur and professional), nonprofits, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, cause organizations, businesses, Web publishers, educators, journalists, agencies, general public. Isaw a post from Chris Brogan a while back, talking about how it’s OK to not be […]
What Facebook Timeline apps are really all about
Image by Milica Sekulic The focus is on small actions that are perfect for thumb-friendly mobile devices Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, cause organizations, brands, businesses, mobile app developers, Web publishers, educators, journalists, general public. Last month Facebook announced the release of more than 60 new Timeline apps that allow Facebook users to automatically share […]
5 best practices for email fundraising and marketing
The email marketing and fundraising landscape keeps evolving, and it’s increasingly vital for nonprofits to develop a comprehensive email strategy. We’ve put together a short guide of email best practices to help you better focus their email fundraising and marketing efforts. It never hurts to keep reminding ourselves to focus on the fundamentals!
Use Facebook to increase engagement on your site
If you want to increase pages views and site engagement, it’s critical that you create a more social experience when people visit your website. For example, when people view an article from your blog, they can see which of their friends have already read that article. They also can share content on your site with […]