San Francisco Goodwill’s look on the iPad (click for larger version). Free service lets nonprofits enter the new world of tablet publishing Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, social enterprises, cause organizations, NGOs, brands, businesses, Web publishers, educators, journalists, general public. One of my favorite discoveries of the past few weeks has been OnSwipe, a service that […]
sharing center
14 surefire ways to engage Facebook users
Image by kbuntu for Big Stock Why you need a variety of strategies to keep fans interested in your cause Target audience: Nonprofits, foundations, NGOs, cause organizations, businesses, brands, social media managers, Web publishers, individuals. Guest post by Jon Loomer Digital marketing consultant, The secret to a successful Facebook page is a highly engaged […]
Best Web analytics tools for nonprofits
Web analytics tools help you track your site’s statistics, which let you see how many people are looking at each page, what sites they came from, and other information to help develop a picture of who your audience is. But which Web analytics tool should you use? Data-tracking needs are similar for all organizations, including nonprofits, libraries, small businesses, and corporations.
5 tips on writing knockout social media content
Image by Tawng for Big Stock How to get your content noticed in a sea of information Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, businesses, brands, bloggers, Web publishers, marketing professionals, educators, individuals. Guest post by Debra Berger Founder, The Academic Support Link In 2011, people are tweeting 200 million times daily, reports TechCrunch. With that […]
Which Facebook Insights metrics matter to your nonprofit?
Now that Facebook has rolled out the new Insights to all Pages, you’re probably wondering what some of these new metrics mean.
But you’re also wondering which ones really matter.