Ilove the new Facebook Insights. Unlike so many other changes that Facebook has sprung unexpectedly on us, the new Insights is a welcome change. I think it is such a significant change that it is a game-changer in the social media space.
sharing center
Study: How nonprofits benefit from using social media
As you’ll see from the graph above, most nonprofits report using Facebook to increase website traffic and get people to act.
They also found that a growing segment of Facebook users turn to the platform as a reference site. Not being on Facebook today is almost as bad as not having a website.
5 essential Facebook applications for nonprofits
Image by Thomaspajot for Big Stock Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, businesses, brands, marketing professionals, social media managers, individuals. This is the first part of a two-part series on Facebook apps and resources available to nonprofits. Guest post by Kim Bale It’s important to diversify the platforms that nonprofits use to reach […]
How to use Twitter to monitor your brand
Target audience: Nonprofits, NGOs, cause organizations, social enterprises, businesses, brands, bloggers, social media managers, individuals.
This is part of our ongoing series on how organizations can get the most out of Twitter. Please see below for other installments in this series.
6 reasons to use Flickr for your next media campaign
Image by Nano Taboada on Flickr Don’t overlook the visual component of social media marketing Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, social enterprises, social media managers, marketing professionals, businesses, brands, Web publishers, photographers. Guest post by Karissa Van Hooser Marketing associate, Walker Sands Communications It seems as though everyone is looking for creative ways to engage […]