Planned Parenthood had success engaging supporters through its Facebook Page. How a few simple changes can make your Facebook Page more visible & engaging to fans Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, community managers, marketing professionals, NGOs, businesses, brands. What is your nonprofit doing to engage with your Facebook fans? I put that question to attendees […]
sharing center
Top 10 productivity apps for college students
Photo by Ed Yourdon on Flickr Make classwork go smoother with tools like Share Your Board, Pulse, Exam Support & Diigo Target audience: Students, educators, nonprofits, social change organizations, mobile enthusiasts, education organizations. Guest post by Angela Santiago Digital Marketing Coordinator, McGraw-Hill Education With the fall semester about to get underway, here at McGraw-Hill Education […]
Create a topic calendar for your nonprofit’s Facebook Page
An easy way to stay on message with your Facebook Page is to develop a posting calendar based on topics for each day of the week. For example, a local Goodwill store could post based on the following schedule: Monday – Fashion tips for work (get fans to share their tips as well). Tuesday – A photo […]
Storytelling 2.0: Why nonprofits need to tell stories
Nonprofits have astonishing stories to tell — about the constituents you serve, about your mission, about your organization. But too often nonprofits don’t know how to convey those stories effectively. At the Social Media for Nonprofits conference in Los Angeles on Monday, I gave a half-hour talk on “Storytelling 2.0: Harnessing video and commkunity to […]
4 tools to help build your social community
Image by orangebrompton on Flickr Strike right balance between scheduled updates & direct interaction Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, community managers, educators, NGOs, Web publishers, bloggers. When trying to build an online community, I’ve found that one of the most important things to do is to participate consistently in your preferred channels. And not just […]