Greenfunder funds socially responsible projects and businesses. Target audience: Nonprofits, social enterprises, NGOs, foundations, businesses, educators. This is part one of a two-part series on crowdsourcing. By Lindsay Oberst Socialbrite staff High-quality work at a low cost. That’s what crowdsourcing can achieve for nonprofts that wish to save money while pursuing their mission. Crowdsourcing refers […]
Nonprofit resources
6 tips for creating effective custom Facebook tabs
Custom Facebook tabs are not about technology. (Note: We still call them tabs even though they’re now simply links in the left sidebar of your organization’s Facebook Page.) They’re not about having the ability to display content once a fan likes your Page. They’re not about widgets or animated mouse-over things, either. If it doesn’t […]
Expert Web design on the cheap
MycroBurst offers readers special discount to try out service Target audience: Nonprofits, social enterprises, foundations, NGOs, cause organizations, startups. When I was at BlogWorld Expo in New York earlier this month, I spent quite a bit of time walking around the exhibit hall. One of the companies I came across was MycroBurst, a marketplace that […]
How your nonprofit can make the most of Facebook groups
Mass notifications remain a key selling point of Facebook groups Ilove Facebook groups. Really. They can be the center of great community engagement and a campaign if used correctly and strategically. Facebook groups serve a different purpose than Facebook pages; groups are great for encouraging niche topic discussions and action, while pages are generally […]
Hope Institute shows how nonprofits can get strategic
When nonprofits roll out a social media program, their tendency is to launch a presence on Facebook or Twitter and then treat them simply as new communication or marketing channels. No, no, a thousand times no! Of the 1.5 million charities in this country, perhaps 99 out of 100 go about using social media the […]