A telecom that does good from JD Lasica on Vimeo. Until I met Salem Kimble (who earlier covered GoingGreen for Socialbrite), I had never heard of BetterWorld Telecom. With a tagline of “Change the world. One call at a time,” they’re a socially conscious telecom provider for nonprofits and mission-driven businesses that donates 3 percent […]
Nonprofit resources
Information into action: Africa and beyond
Two organisations I’ve had the pleasure of working with – Tactical Tech and Fahamu – have independently announced the release of a film and a book that cover different aspects of non-profit digital activism. Both are well worth a look. Info-activism.org, a Tactical Tech initiative, explores how rights advocates “use information and digital technology to […]
Finally! An enlightened social media policy
Bread for the World spells out the opportunities for working together For the past few days I’ve been hip deep in social media policies, social media guidelines — the increasingly common rules of the road that companies and nonprofits are laying down for how In a perfect world, organizations could issue a policy like this: […]
Social Media Resource Library: New from Idealware
We all know that there are hundreds, thousands, a seemingly infinite number of social media resources for nonprofits or social impact groups. When you search on Google for a tool or a topic, you have so many results you don’t even know where to begin! Well, that’s certainly part of the information overload and wasted […]
8 tips for raising funds online
At BlogWorld Expo, tools and strategies for nonprofits The first Causes/Activism track at the just-ended Blogworld Expo in Las Vegas drew some 1,500 participants — a promising showing by the nonprofit community. I moderated the Tools for Nonprofit Organizations panel, with panelists Judy Chang of Paypal, Justin Perkins of Care2, David Levy of SocialVibe, James […]