By now you’ve likely heard of content curation, the process of collecting and cataloging the most useful or interesting things about a topic in order to share it for the common benefit. In part 1, Beth Kanter looked at 7 smart techniques for content curation. Today we’ll explore some of the best tools for doing so.
5 free tools for social media listening
Listening is the first step in social media. You have to listen to what others are saying about you before you jump into the fire. Listening will tell you what people are saying, and where they are saying it, so you know where to get started.
Many of these tools are Twitter-focused, because Twitter is the easiest place to get started in listening.
4 tools to make your social media life easier
Every day there are new online tools being touted as the newest, greatest thing sure to make your social media life easy. To help, I’ve summarized a few that make my social media life easier – and hopefully yours, too!
Blending nonprofit advocacy with for-profit tactics
While nonprofit motives fuel advocacy campaigns, it’s for-profit know-how that wins them — especially in the social media ecosystem. Harvesting social’s ripe potential for advocacy and engagement is Advocate Interactive, a social enterprise that helps organizations leverage the power of social media to turn tweets and “likes” into an organized voice for collective action, winning elections, passing bills and pressing for grassroots socio-political change.
Facebook engagement: What does the evidence show?
The great thing about Facebook is that what works and what doesn’t work can be measured very specifically. And there’s probably nobody more experienced in the science of social media than Dan Zarrella.
Dan recently published an infographic based on more than 1.3 million Facebook updates from the top 10,000 pages.