New tool: The EdgeRank Checker app shows how well your Facebook Page is performing. It’s the heart & soul of Facebook — and few people understand it Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, NGOs, government agencies, educators, Web publishers, journalists, individuals. Also see Part 2: 15 ways to increase your Facebook stature Over the years, […]
Using Twitter & LinkedIn to promote your event
Target audience: Nonprofits, cause and community organizations, foundations, NGOs, businesses, brands, government agencies, conference organizers, educators. Second of two parts. See part 1: 5 ways to use social media to build a crowd for your event.
How to get automatic updates on your Facebook Page
Hyper Alerts, a new free online tool, simplifies managing a Facebook presence There’s no doubt that managing a Facebook Page has become much easier with tools like Hootsuite and Seesmic. But the one thing nonprofit Page administrators still need is an easy way to find out when someone posts, comments or likes content on […]
How to build & manage a monitoring dashboard
Last year a study of the 200 largest U.S. nonprofits and found that they’re using social media at a faster clip than the business community or academia for the third year in a row. Some 8 percent more charities are monitoring social media over the previous year’s figures. (See the 10-page findings from UMass Dartmouth — PDF.)
Guide to monitoring social media conversations
Most brands and nonprofits have received the memo: To succeed in today’s interconnected world, you need to listen to what your supporters and customers are saying about you. With the new year still fresh, you may be finally ready to put into place a listening program to tap into the conversations taking place on the social Web about your organization or sector.