Encourage likes with fan-gating. Find out how yo ucan create fan-gate custom tabs without knowing any HTML.
3 steps to add your nonprofit’s url to Pinterest
Verify your site to add credibility & authority Target audience: Nonprofits, cause organizations, foundations, NGOs, social enterprises, Web publishers — anyone with a Pinterest account and a website. You may have missed the announcement Thursday that Pinterest is now giving website operators a way to verify your website on your Pinterest profile page. If you […]
How to install Facebook’s new Power Editor
Power Editor is a new tool provided by Facebook that can help you manage multiple Facebook accounts or campaigns for your nonprofit. Power Editor makes it easy to create, edit, manage and optimize multiple ads at a time.
6 key ways to make your website more social
Build your fan base with a more interactive website The purpose of your website is to encourage people to take action. Period. The actions may vary – like joining an e-mail list or donating money – but regardless of the specifics, your website’s value consists of the end actions it elicits. Two critical areas of […]
5 powerful ways to improve your website’s SEO
There are many ways to drive traffic to your website, including email marketing, social media and traditional PR. While these approaches are useful and effective, they all share one critical weakness: You’re reaching people who weren’t looking for you. Here’s why SEO is an absolute must for your nonprofit.